Community Curated Art & Conversation

August 3 – September 1: STIGMA

From our August Partners, ChildSafe Colorado:

At ChildSafe, we see the profound impact of stigma – shame, self-blaming, non disclosure. All forms of art can depict the pain of trauma, but the act of creating art has the power to heal and allows survivors to move beyond societal stigma. The process of creation allows people to transform their invisible wounds into tangible objects, offering catharsis, empowerment, and joy.


Call for Submissions: July 1 – 25

Deadline: July 25

Notification of Acceptance: July 26

Opening: August 3

Community Conversation: August 22, 6-8pm

Submission Requirements

Media: Anything! This does not have to be traditional “art” but can be any item or photograph of something that represents the theme to you.

Size: No larger than 18″ x 18″

*NOTE: This is NOT a juried show! Pieces will be accepted on an availability basis as long as it is deemed appropriate. This community exhibition will be on display in the MoA for All Art Engagement center, which is the central hub for Museum activities where people of all ages will be passing through.

Community Curated Art and Conversation Submission

Community Curated Art and Conversation is an initiative through the Museum of Art Fort Collins and MoA for All aimed at engaging locals, facilitating discussion around art that is inclusive and accessible, and embracing a nonhierarchical format for art involvement. Each month, we partner with a local organization to exhibit art and objects submitted by members of the community that center around alternating themes, helping raise awareness and a deeper understanding of the topic at heart.

This will not be displayed, but is just for us to get to know you better!
Tell us about yourself! (Just a short blurb is fine so we can get to know you.)
Max. file size: 64 MB.