Powered by Museum of Art Fort Collins

A mobile app that connects art, artists & community.

Art Central is a mobile app which connects art, artists and community through curated tours, stories and easy GPS navigation. The app is designed to connect residents and tourists to public art and the artists who created the work, galleries and murals.

art central fort collins app

Making The City Your Museum

Connect with Art, Artists & Community

Designed to connect residents and tourists alike to Fort Collins’ ever-expanding public art collection.

Discover New Things about Fort Collins

We highlight the beauty in our neighborhoods and spotlight other notable sites related to the city’s history.

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Get Inspired by Beautiful Artwork

Art Central is the perfect place to find inspiration by showcasing an ever-growing collection of artwork from local artists.

Easy Navigation: Old Town | CSU Art | Tours

Curated tours, stories and easy navigation make it easy to connect with art, artists and your community.

Making The City Your Museum
Download Art Central Today!

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